Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Woman Finds Boyfriend Dead In Cat Door
Ironically, he was after some pussy

Public schoolboy told Valentine 'I am the Grim Reaper', then battered her to death
Girl allegedly replied, "You call that a scythe?"

Former pilots and officials call for new U.S. UFO probe
Demand aliens buy American, as the old UFO probes make their asses too sore

Monkeys rampage in Indian capital
Bush suspects monkeys trained by Al Queda, asks Congress to nuke Iran

Quebec boy dies after schoolyard shoving match
Attacker hits like a girl... oh, wait!

Great Grandmother Strip-Searched At N.Y. Casino
When she removed her bra it sounded like two wet sandbags hitting the floor

Internet gambling is a target of Patrick bill
"Hold it right there, Asshole! You put that money in OUR pockets - er, casinos!"

Skydiver survives 2km fall
He aced the written exam and just barely passed the skills test

Police: Man Raped Wheelchair-Bound Woman
Just like riding a bike

Metreon victim was killed after standing on escalator, not walking
First floor - socks, underwear, ammo



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